Jananne Al-Ani: 'Shadow Sites'
Saturday 28 February
10:30 - 12:30
Paradiso, Main Hall
'Aerial I' by Jananne Al-Ani
In the last five years Jananne Al-Ani has developed a portfolio of film and photographic works titled The Aesthetics of Disappearance: A Land Without People, which explores the disappearance of the body in contested and highly charged landscapes by examining the development of film and photography in relation to the technology of flight. In addition to screening the films Shadow Sites I (2010) and Shadow Sites II (2011), a range of archival material will be presented, including unpublished reconnaissance photographs from WWI and the work of early aerial photography pioneers.
Part of
Session 7: Landscape Transformation
Saturday 28 February
10:30 - 12:30
Paradiso, Main Hall
Jananne Al-Ani & Rob Holmes & Michael Welland
Humans have built cities, physical infrastructures, roads and railways and electricity grids. Through agriculture humans have changed the face of the Earth dramatically. Humans have also created artificial islands from sand, turned lakes into polders, valleys into lakes, diverted the courses of rivers, and through irrigation made lakes into deserts.