Amelia Cuni
Amelia Cuni
Amelia Cuni (IT) is a singer and composer. She studied vocal techniques and music in India, in the tradition of Dhrupad singing and Kathak dance. Her current work includes contemporary music and multimedia collaborations with several artists of international repute. She teaches Indian singing at the Vicenza Conservatory in Italy, and is also a member of The Choras(s)an Time-Court Mirage.
Part of
Sonic Acts at Vondelkerk
Sunday 1 March
12,50 / 10
Doors open at 19:30 A limited number of tickets will be available at the door. At the closing concert at the Vondelkerk we enter a world of serene sound. Violinist Ekkehard Windrich performs Gabriel Paiuk’s Greifen through a specially designed multiple loudspeaker set-up. Tonaliens create a mesmerising melodic, harmonic and rhythmic mesh of sound using only intonation, microtonal improvisations and subtle drones.