Michael Welland

Michael Welland

Michael Welland (UK) obtained a BA and a PhD in geology from Cambridge, and an MA from Harvard, and is the author of the award-winning book Sand – A Journey Through Science and the Imagination (2009). Welland worked for the British Geological Survey in Oman, taught at universities across the US, and has over 20 years of experience in technical and management positions in the international energy industry. He has given public lectures and radio broadcasts in the US and the UK. Welland considers sand to be an unsung hero and writes on ‘all things sandy and arid’ on his blog and in the soon to be released The Desert – Lands of Lost Borders (2015). Through the Sandglass blog Watch the trailer of the award-winning documentary Sand Wars, in which Michael Welland participated. Michael Welland on his first book, Sand: A Journey Through Science and the Imagination:

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