Noam M. Elcott: 'Artificial Darkness'
Friday 27 February
11:10 - 11:50
Paradiso, Main Hall
Noam Elcott
The moderns mobilised artificial light to conquer the dark, disenchant the night, and create new media and art. Less familiar is the history of artificial darkness. In the middle of the nineteenth century, physiologists cleaved blackness from darkness, inventors patented photographic darkrooms, and impresarios extinguished the lights in their theatres. By the late nineteenth century, darkness was controlled in theatres using the velvet light traps known as ‘black screens’. These dark places helped to shape modern art, media, and their subjects.
Part of
Session 4: How the Night Changed
Friday 27 February
10:30 - 12:30
Paradiso, Main Hall
Paul Bogard & Noam M. Elcott & John Tresch
The night was once pitch dark. Nocturnal human activity was determined by darkness. The real darkness of the night informed our cultural conception of night and darkness. But the night changed during the nineteenth century