
You can make a donation to Sonic Acts through Paypal:
To thank you for your donation, we have the following rewards: 25 euros – a set of Sonic Acts postcards 50 euros – Sonic Acts postcards + a bag 75 euros – Sonic Acts postcards + bag + t-shirt 100 euros – all of the above + a Sonic Acts publication of your choice 1000 euros or more – all of the above + free entrance to all our activities for one year. Sonic Acts is doing well, but even though we are growing, we are still a small organisation that tries to make the most of its limited resources. We are devoting more of our resources to commissioned works, organising master classes for students and young artists, and special projects such as Vertical Cinema and Dark Ecology . However, we have barely enough money to achieve these goals. An organisation like Sonic Acts cannot happen without help, which is why we gladly welcome any additional financial support. If you would like to make a gift or a bequest, please do so for the benefit of: Stichting Sonic Acts IBAN: NL31RABO0115136169 (SWIFT/BIC: RABONL2U). Our foundation has ANBI status, which means your donations are not only tax deductible but they are also allocated to a fund especially for our special projects. Your contribution will only be used to continue expanding our festival and our aim to organise critical, significant and in-depth programmes and events. For more information about the fiscal benefits of ANBI, see More information about the ANBI status of Sonic Acts can be found here, the annual accounts can be found here: jaarrekening 2012, jaarrekening 2013, jaarrekening 2014. Should you wish to contact us about making a donation, or if you wish to become a strategic of financial partner, please send an e-mail to Lucas van der Velden at lucas[at]sonicacts[.]com.


Another way to play a vital role in supporting our work is by donating your time as a volunteer. The Sonic Acts Academy will take place in Amsterdam from 26 February to 28 February 2016. We are looking for volunteers to assist with communication and production both before and during the festival. Furthermore, we will need bloggers, photographers and stewards for the information desk. More information about who we are looking for and what we have to offer can be found here. So grab the opportunity to become part of the Sonic Acts Academy team! If you’re interested, please do not hesitate to contact us via: volunteer[at]sonicacts[.]com or (+31) (0)20 6264521.

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