Free PDF download of the Academy 2020 Magazine
Motivated by changes in the ecological, political, technological and social landscape, Academy 2020 took its cue from inspiring artistic research with a special emphasis on experimentation and innovation. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, this impulse now hinges on the need to stay at home, and many of us have more time than ever to read. For that reason, we’re giving away a digital edition of the recent Sonic Acts Academy 2020 Magazine for free! Sonic Acts Academy 2020 was fuelled by the most exciting contemporary artists and thinkers from around the globe, and we’re thrilled to be able to share this beautifully designed collections of essays, interviews and visual contributions by a selection of the Academy artists and speakers. Contributors include, among others, Lukáš Likavčan, Terike Haapoja, Speaker Music (De Forrest Brown, Jr.), Sadaf, Hugo Esquinca, Design Earth, Anja Kanngieser & Nabil Ahmed, and Daniel Mann & Eitan Efrat. Download the PDF of the magazine here The magazine is also available to download via the Sonic Acts webshop, where you can find many other publications and audio objects. Although deliveries may take longer than usual, we are continuing to take orders and endeavour to have each order shipped as quickly as is safely possible.