Vertical Cinema: Expanded Lectures at Stedelijk
An additional programme of lectures by international speakers focuses on the history of vertical and other forms of expanded cinema and explores the future of audio-visual experiments. All lectures will be held in English, with the exception of the lecture by Bart Rutten on Sunday 23 February, which will be in Dutch. Tickets for the lectures and combi-tickets for lecture&screening are on sale at the webshop. Philippe-Alain Michaud - Thursday 20 February, 20:00 hrs The tradition of experimental cinema, which persists today in the practices of many artists, shows that film cannot be defined from the restricted point of view of the history of cinema. It must be reconsidered from the enlarged viewpoint of the history of art as a resurrection of the stage and the values of presence. Philippe-Alain Michaud is film curator at the Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris. Noam M. Elcott - Friday 21 February, 16:00 hrs Material. Human. Divine. Notes on the Vertical Screen. In this wide-ranging talk Noam M. Elcott isolates three resonances in which to locate the vertical screen: as mere matter, as human form, and as divine presence. Noam M. Elcott (Columbia University, NY) specialises in the history of modern art and media in Europe and North America, with an emphasis on photography and film. Erica Balsom - Saturday 22 February, 16:00 hrs Towards an Eccentric History of the Aspect Ratio Drawing on examples from the domains of film theory and moving image art, this talk will explore analogue rejections of the horizontal frame in the hope of excavating the prehistory of the variable aspect ratios that confront us today. Erica Balsom is lecturer in Film Studies as well as in Liberal Arts at the Film Studies Department King’s College London, and the author of Exhibiting Cinema in Contemporary Art (2013). Bart Rutten - Sunday 23 February, 16:00 hrs (NB this lecture will be held in Dutch) Bart Rutten will share his remarks on the mainly abstract Vertical Cinema programme, based on both his personal experiences in curating film and video art, as well as the institutional context of Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. With examples from Kazimir Malevich to Bill Viola, from Xerox Alto and Pacman to the iPad, and from Douglas Davis through Brian Eno to Jeroen Kooijmans, his talk will draw on the relationship between the museum and Vertical Cinema in reference to the site and the collection. Bart Rutten has been fine arts conservator and collection curator at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam since 2008. His work as a curator covers the whole field of the visual arts, with special attention for film and video art, conceptual art and installation art.